OpenWeave 工具

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OpenWeave 包括一组用于配置、管理和测试 OpenWeave 部署的命令行工具。



mock-device通用 Wea​​ve 设备模拟器/src/test-apps
weave生成和管理 Weave 证书/src/tools/weave
weave-device-descriptor编码和解码用于配对二维码的 Weave 设备描述符字符串/src/test-apps


  1. 安装所有建立的先决条件
  2. 配置OpenWeave不支持的BlueZ:
    cd <path-to-openweave-core>
    ./configure --without-bluez
  3. Make the weave-tools target:
    make weave-tools
  4. Check the root openweave-core directory for the tar archive:
    ls weave*


The gen-qr-code tool requires the Python qrcode module. Use pip to install it:

pip install --user qrcode


  1. 创建一个字符串的QR代码的文件:
    echo "" >> ~/ow_qrcode
  2. Generate a 64x64 QR code of that string:
    ./gen-qr-code -v 1 -s 64 < ~/ow_qrcode
  3. To save the QR code as an image, specify an output file:
    ./gen-qr-code -v 1 -s 64 < ~/ow_qrcode > ~/ow_qrcode.png
    Use the weave-device-descriptor tool to generate the device descriptor string
    for use in a Weave device's pairing QR code.


The mock-device tool simulates a generic Weave node. Other tools and test case scripts use this tool to encapsulate Weave functionality. Instantiate mock devices on individual Happy nodes to test Weave functionality in a simulated topology.

For example, to start a Weave mock device listening on an IPv6 address of fd00:0:1:1::1, first add that IPv6 address to the lo (loopback) interface:

sudo ifconfig lo add fd00:0:1:1::1/64

然后启动 Weave 模拟设备:

./mock-device -a fd00:0:1:1::1
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 TCP listen endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 TCP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095 (lo)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (lo)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
Weave Node Configuration:
  Fabric Id: 1
  Subnet Number: 1
  Node Id: 1
WEAVE:SD: init()
Weave Node Configuration:
  Fabric Id: 1
  Subnet Number: 1
  Node Id: 1
  Listening Addresses:
      fd00:0:1:1::1 (ipv6)
  Pairing Server: fd00:0:1:1::1
Mock Time Sync is disabled and not initialized
Mock System Time Offset initialized to: 3.213773 sec
Listening for requests...
Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 256904; PPID: 251571



weave-device-descriptor工具编码或解码的设备描述符字符串。这些字符串包含编码到其 Weave 配对二维码中的设备的识别信息。使用--help与标志encodedecode方案的更多信息。

./weave-device-descriptor encode --help
./weave-device-descriptor decode --help



供应商编号-V 1
产品编号-p 1
产品修订号-r 2
序列号-s 18B4300000000004
生产日期-m 2018/05/02
802.15.4 MAC 地址(线程、BLE) -8 000D6F000DA80466
配对码-P AB713H
./weave-device-descriptor encode -V 1 -p 1 -r 2 -s 18B4300000000004 -m 2018/05/02 \
                                   -8 000D6F000DA80466 -w 5CF370800E77 -P AB713H




1 + <device-descriptor-element> + $


./weave-device-descriptor decode 1W:5CF370800E77$
Primary WiFi MAC: 5C:F3:70:80:0E:77


使用weave-heartbeat发送和接收心跳 2个编织节点之间的个人资料信息。 Heartbeat 提供了一种方法来向网络中的其他节点指示一个节点的活跃度,或者检查一个节点是否保持连接到结构。

一个成功的 Heartbeat 需要一个节点作为服务器(监听和响应 Heartbeat)和一个节点作为客户端(发送 Heartbeat)。


  1. 添加到用于每个心跳节点到IPv6地址lo (回送)接口:
    sudo ifconfig lo add fd00:0:1:1::1/64
    sudo ifconfig lo add fd00:0:1:1::2/64
  2. Start the Heartbeat server on the fd00:0:1:1::1 address and assign it a node-id of 1:

    ./weave-heartbeat --node-addr fd00:0:1:1::1 --node-id 1 --listen
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 TCP listen endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 TCP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
        WEAVE:IN: IPV6_PKTINFO: 92
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
        WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
        Weave Node Configuration:
          Fabric Id: 1
          Subnet Number: 1
          Node Id: 1
          Listening Addresses:
              fd00:0:1:1::1 (ipv6)
        Listening for Heartbeats...
        Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 170883; PPID: 170418

  3. Open a second terminal window and start the Heartbeat client on the fd00:0:1:1::2 IPv6 address with a node-id of 2 and the first node's IPv6 address as the destination for the Heartbeat:

    ./weave-heartbeat --node-addr fd00:0:1:1::2 --node-id 2 --dest-addr fd00:0:1:1::1 1
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 TCP listen endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::2]:11095
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 TCP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
        WEAVE:IN: IPV6_PKTINFO: 92
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::2]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
        WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
        WEAVE:EM: Binding0: Allocated
        Weave Node Configuration:
          Fabric Id: 1
          Subnet Number: 1
          Node Id: 2
          Listening Addresses:
              fd00:0:1:1::2 (ipv6)
        Sending Heartbeats via UDP to node 1 (fd00:0:1:1::1) every 1000 ms
        Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 170932; PPID: 170608
        WEAVE:EM: Binding0: Configuring
        WEAVE:EM: Binding0: Preparing
        WEAVE:EM: Binding0: Ready, peer 1 ([fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095) via UDP

  4. After a successful connection, node 2 sends Heartbeats to node 1, and node 1 logs Heartbeats received from node 2:

    Node 1
    WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000013:1 1 0000000000000002 0000 C993 0 MsgId:1380A259
    WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0xb8e89790
    Heartbeat from node 2 (fd00:0:1:1::2): state=1, err=No Error
    ### Node 2
    WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x0
    WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000013:1 1 0000000000000001 0000 C993 0 MsgId:1380A259
    Heartbeat sent to node 1: state=1



./mock-device -a fd00:0:1:1::1


使用weave-ping来发送和接收回声 2个编织节点之间的个人资料信息。 Echo 有效负载由请求节点提供的任意数据组成,预计会在响应中逐字回显。 Echo 提供了一种测试网络连接和延迟的方法。

一个成功的 Echo 需要一个节点作为服务器(监听和响应 Echo 请求)和一个节点作为客户端(发送 Echo 请求)。


  1. 添加到用于每个回声节点到IPv6地址lo (回送)接口:
    sudo ifconfig lo add fd00:0:1:1::1/64
    sudo ifconfig lo add fd00:0:1:1::2/64
  2. Start the Echo server on the fd00:0:1:1::1 address, assigning it a node-id of 1:

    ./weave-ping --node-addr fd00:0:1:1::1 --node-id 1 --listen
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 TCP listen endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 TCP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
        WEAVE:IN: IPV6_PKTINFO: 92
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
        WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
        WEAVE:SD: init()
        Weave Node Configuration:
          Fabric Id: 1
          Subnet Number: 1
          Node Id: 1
          Listening Addresses:
              fd00:0:1:1::1 (ipv6)
        Listening for Echo requests...
        Iteration 0
        Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 120927; PPID: 113768
        WEAVE:ECH: Listening...

  3. Open a second terminal window and start the Echo client on the fd00:0:1:1::2 IPv6 address with a node-id of 2 and the first node's IPv6 address as the destination for the Echo request:

    ./weave-ping --node-addr fd00:0:1:1::2 --node-id 2 --dest-addr fd00:0:1:1::1 1
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
        WEAVE:IN: IPV6_PKTINFO: 92
        WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:1:1::2]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
        WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (lo)
        WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
        WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
        WEAVE:SD: init()
        Weave Node Configuration:
          Fabric Id: 1
          Subnet Number: 1
          Node Id: 2
          Listening Addresses:
              fd00:0:1:1::2 (ipv6)
        Sending Echo requests to node 1 at fd00:0:1:1::1
        Iteration 0
        Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 121125; PPID: 121017
        WEAVE:ML: Con start 9A00 0000000000000001 0001
        WEAVE:ML: Con DNS complete 9A00 0
        WEAVE:ML: TCP con start 9A00 fd00:0:1:1::1 11095
        WEAVE:ML: TCP con complete 9A00 0
        WEAVE:ML: Con complete 9A00
        Connection established to node 1 (fd00:0:1:1::1)

  4. After a successful connection, node 1 logs Echo Requests from node 2, and node 2 logs Echo Responses from node 1:

    Node 1
    WEAVE:ML: Con rcvd AA00 fd00:0:1:1::2 41675
    Connection received from node 2 (fd00:0:1:1::2)
    WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000001:1 15 0000000000000002 AA00 B8A5 0 MsgId:00000000
    WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0xfce0ca80
    Echo Request from node 2 (fd00:0:1:1::2): len=15 ... sending response.
    WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000001:2 15 0000000000000002 AA00 B8A5 0 MsgId:00000000
    WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000001:1 15 0000000000000002 AA00 B8A6 0 MsgId:00000001
    ### Node 2
    WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0xd239baa0
    WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000001:1 15 0000000000000001 9A00 B8A5 0 MsgId:00000000
    WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000001:2 15 0000000000000001 9A00 B8A5 0 MsgId:00000000
    Echo Response from node 1 (fd00:0:1:1::1): 1/1(100.00%) len=15 time=0.228ms



./mock-device -a fd00:0:1:1::1