Weave Device Manager

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The weave-device-mgr (Weave Device Manager) tool serves as an assisting device in the Weave ecosystem. It manages device pairing, including network and fabric provisioning. The functionality it provides is analogous to the role the Nest app plays in provisioning, pairing, and registering a Nest device to the Service.

Weave Device Manager is included in the weave-tools build. In a Standalone application build, it is located at /src/device-manager/python.


The help menu is available during tool operation. To start Weave Device Manager and view the help menu:


Connect to a mock device

Since Weave Device Manager serves an assisting function, you must first connect it to a device. To test this functionality, use a Happy simulated topology where one node runs a mock Weave device and another runs Device Manager.

1. Create a Happy topology

In this topology, node01 will run the mock device while node02 will run Device Manager. Before beginning, install Happy and configure it for Weave support.

Once installed, create a simple Happy topology:

weave-state-load <path-to-openweave-core>/src/test-apps/happy/topologies/standalone/three_nodes_on_thread_weave.json

Check the Happy and Weave states to confirm the topology:

State Name:  happy

NETWORKS   Name         Type   State                                     Prefixes
           Home       thread      UP                       2001:0db8:0001:0002/64

NODES      Name    Interface    Type                                          IPs
         node01        wpan0  thread   fd00:0000:fab1:0006:1ab4:3000:0000:0004/64

         node02        wpan0  thread   fd00:0000:fab1:0006:1ab4:3000:0000:0005/64

         node03        wpan0  thread   2001:0db8:0001:0002:0200:00ff:fe00:0003/64
State Name: weave

NODES                Name       Weave Node Id    Pairing Code
                   node01    18B4300000000004          AAA123
                   node02    18B4300000000005          AAA123
                   node03    18B430000000000A          AAA123

FABRIC          Fabric Id           Global Prefix
                     fab1     fd00:0000:fab1::/48

2. Start the mock device

Log in to node01:

happy-shell node01

In node01, bring up a mock device using that node's Weave IPv6 address and a valid Weave pairing code. A pairing code is required to establish a secure PASE session between the mock device and Device Manager:

./mock-device --node-addr fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4 --pairing-code AB713H
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 TCP listen endpoint to [fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 TCP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4]:11095 (wpan0)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 multicast receive endpoint to [ff02::1]:11095 (wpan0)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 multicast receive endpoint
WEAVE:EM: Cannot listen for BLE connections, null BleLayer
Weave Node Configuration:
  Fabric Id: FAB1
  Subnet Number: 6
  Node Id: 18B4300000000004
WEAVE:SD: init()
Weave Node Configuration:
  Fabric Id: FAB1
  Subnet Number: 6
  Node Id: 18B4300000000004
  Listening Addresses:
      fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4 (ipv6)
  Pairing Server: fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4
Mock Time Sync is disabled and not initialized
Mock System Time Offset initialized to: -4.802583 sec
Listening for requests...
Weave Node ready to service events; PID: 41116; PPID: 40703

3. Start Device Manager

Open a new terminal window and log in to node02

happy-shell node02

In node02, start Device Manager:

WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095 ()
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Adding wpan0 to interface table
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 UDP interface endpoint to [fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5]:11095 (wpan0)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 UDP interface endpoint
Weave Device Manager Shell

weave-device-mgr >

4. Connect to the mock device

In Device Manager (node02), establish a secure PASE session with the mock device. Use the mock device's Weave IPv6 address and Node ID from the output of the happy-state and weave-state commands, along with its pairing code:

connect fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4 18B4300000000004 --pairing-code AB713H
WEAVE:DM: Initiating connection to device
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv4 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Binding general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint to [::]:11095 ()
WEAVE:ML: Listening on general purpose IPv6 UDP endpoint
WEAVE:ML: Adding wpan0 to interface table
WEAVE:ML: Binding IPv6 UDP interface endpoint to [fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5]:11095 (wpan0)
WEAVE:ML: Listening on IPv6 UDP interface endpoint
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x8d3777e0
WEAVE:DM: Sending IdentifyRequest to locate device
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 0000000E:1 16 18B4300000000004 0000 986B 0 MsgId:23C64568
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 0000000E:2 104 18B4300000000004 0000 986B 0 MsgId:8F1FC90B
WEAVE:DM: Received identify response from device 18B4300000000004 ([fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4]:11095%wpan0)
WEAVE:DM: Initiating weave connection to device 18B4300000000004 (fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4)
WEAVE:ML: Con start AFC0 18B4300000000004 0001
WEAVE:ML: TCP con start AFC0 fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4 11095
WEAVE:ML: TCP con complete AFC0 0
WEAVE:ML: Con complete AFC0
WEAVE:DM: Connected to device
WEAVE:DM: Initiating PASE session
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x21da95c0
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000004:1 296 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986C 0 MsgId:00000002
WEAVE:SM: StartSessionTimer
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000004:2 284 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986C 0 MsgId:00000000
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000004:3 144 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986C 0 MsgId:00000001
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000004:4 176 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986C 0 MsgId:00000003
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000004:5 32 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986C 0 MsgId:00000002
WEAVE:SM: CancelSessionTimer
WEAVE:DM: Secure session established
Connected to device.
weave-device-mgr (18B4300000000004 @ fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:4) >

The output on the mock device (node01), confirms a successful connection:

WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 0000000E:1 16 0000000000000001 0000 986B 0 MsgId:23C64568
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x3aadf480
IdentifyRequest received from node 1 (fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5)
  Target Modes: 00000000
  Target Vendor Id: FFFF
  Target Product Id: FFFF
Sending IdentifyResponse
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 0000000E:2 104 0000000000000001 0000 986B 0 MsgId:8F1FC90B
WEAVE:ML: Con rcvd 3960 fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5 38798
Connection received from node 18B4300000000005 (fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5)
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000004:1 296 0000000000000001 3960 986C 0 MsgId:00000002
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x3aaf1f60
WEAVE:SM: StartSessionTimer
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000004:2 284 0000000000000001 3960 986C 0 MsgId:00000000
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000004:3 144 0000000000000001 3960 986C 0 MsgId:00000001
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000004:4 176 0000000000000001 3960 986C 0 MsgId:00000003
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000004:5 32 0000000000000001 3960 986C 0 MsgId:00000002
WEAVE:ML: Message Encryption Key: Id=2C51 Type=SessionKey Peer=0000000000000001 EncType=01 Key=BB00C9BE96F188D7672255A2DC6AC14F,B0615B2BD5F97FC1B7AEC8C6FD59207D3B7CBFE6
WEAVE:SM: CancelSessionTimer
Secure session established with node 1 (fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5)
WEAVE:SM: Release session key: Id=2C51 Peer=0000000000000001 Reserve=0

5. Test the connection

Send a Weave Echo request from Device Manager (node02) to the mock device to test the connection:

WEAVE:DM: DataLength: 0, payload: 0, next: (nil)
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x8d3777e0
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000001:1 0 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986F 0 MsgId:00000000
WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000001:2 0 18B4300000000004 AFC0 986F 0 MsgId:00000000
Ping complete

Output on the mock device (node01) confirms the successful Echo:

WEAVE:EM: Msg rcvd 00000001:1 0 0000000000000001 3960 986F 0 MsgId:00000000
WEAVE:EM: ec id: 1, AppState: 0x3aadfbb0
WEAVE:SM: Reserve session key: Id=2CFF Peer=0000000000000001 Reserve=1
Echo Request from node 1 (fd00:0:fab1:6:1ab4:3000:0:5): len=0 ... sending response.
WEAVE:EM: Msg sent 00000001:2 0 0000000000000001 3960 986F 0 MsgId:00000000
WEAVE:SM: Release session key: Id=2CFF Peer=0000000000000001 Reserve=0

6. Disconnect from the mock device

Use Device Manager to disconnect from the mock device:

WEAVE:DM: Closing connection to device
WEAVE:ML: Con closed 8FC0 4002
WEAVE:ML: Removing session key: Id=2873 Peer=18B4300000000004
WEAVE:ML: Closing endpoints
weave-device-mgr >