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OpenWeave 包括许多 Python 脚本,用于在模拟的 Happy 拓扑上测试 Weave 功能。这些测试用例确保为网络连接和 Weave 部署正确配置拓扑。

测试用例脚本中的OpenWeave库中找到/src/test-apps/happy/tests 。有两种类型的测试:

  • 服务-测试与服务接口
  • 独立-测试上本地运行的拓扑结构


  1. 安装 OpenWeave。见OpenWeave构建的说明书。
  2. 安装快乐。看见快乐设置的说明书。
  3. 导航到包含目标测试用例的目录。例如,运行一个回声曲线测试情况:
    cd <path-to-openweave-core>/src/test-apps/happy/tests/standalone/echo

Change test topology

OpenWeave test cases run against the sample Happy topologies found in /src/test-apps/happy/topologies/standalone. To use your own custom Happy topology in a test case:

  1. After constructing your custom topology, save it in JSON format. This saves the topology state file in the $HOME directory:
    happy-state -s my_topology.json
  2. In the test case script, locate the topology file being used. Topologies in test cases are typically assigned to the self.topology_file variable. For example, uses the following topology for a default OpenWeave build:

    self.topology_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \
  3. 更新拓扑路径以指向您的自定义拓扑状态文件:

    self.topology_file = "~/my_topology.json"
  4. 或者,将您的自定义拓扑状态文件放在 OpenWeave 中包含的相同位置:

    self.topology_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \
  5. 运行测试用例