
#include <src/lib/profiles/data-management/Current/CommandSender.h>


Note:This class encapsulates the protocol details of sending commands, simplifying the mechanics involved for applications. The application provides a PacketBuffer containing the payload of the command as well as an optional set of arguments that alter the contents of the command header as well as the behavior of the command. The utility of this wrapper around command handling is indeed limited, mainly due to the complexity/flexibility involved in security validation and data serialization/de-serialization.

The details for command validation is still TBD

This class also helps applications infer if the data within an associated TraitDataSink has caught up to the side-effects of the commmand (based on the version provided in the command response). The application is responsible for managing the storage of that object.

Weave Binding

An object of this class can be intialized with a Weave Binding, which will serve as the default Binding to use to send Commands. The user may also provide a Binding to each call of SendCommand(), which will override the default Binding. It is not necessary to provide a default Binding, however any binding provided to CommandSender must already be initialized.


The user must define a function of this type if they wish to be updated about events that happen after the sending of the command (see "API Events" below). This can be NULL if the user does not care what happens after the command is sent.

API Events

The following events are the possible outcomes after sending a Command:


An error occurred while forming or sending the Command, or while waiting for a response. Examples of errors that can occur while waiting for a response are key errors or unexpected close of a connection. The error reason will be contained in the InEventParam argument to the EventCallback handler.


The recipient can send an 'in progress' message which signifies that the Command has been receieved, but not yet completed. Once completed, the recipient will send a Response or StatusReport. Sending an 'in progress' message is not required.


Receipt of a StatusReport implies that there was an error in processing the Command. The StatusReport can be accessed through the InEventParam.


Receiving a Response implies that the Command recipient handled the Command successfully. The Response may contain a payload or it may not. If the applcation desires to keep the packet buffer, it may call ExchangeContext::AddRef() to increment the ref count.

Public types

EventCallback)(void *const aAppState, EventType aEvent, const InEventParam &aInParam, OutEventParam &aOutEventParam) typedef
EventType enum

Public attributes

mAppState = NULL
void *
mSyncronizedTraitState = NULL

Public static functions

DefaultEventHandler(void *aAppState, EventType aEvent, const InEventParam & aInParam, OutEventParam & aOutParam)

Public functions

Close(bool aAbortNow)
Init(nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding, const EventCallback aEventCallback, void *const aAppState)
SendCommand(nl::Weave::PacketBuffer *aPayload, nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding, ResourceIdentifier & aResourceId, uint32_t aProfileId, uint32_t aCommandType)
SendCommand(nl::Weave::PacketBuffer *aPayload, nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding, SendParams & aSendParams)
SetSynchronizedTraitState(SynchronizedTraitState *aTraitState)

Public types


void(* EventCallback)(void *const aAppState, EventType aEvent, const InEventParam &aInParam, OutEventParam &aOutEventParam)



Public attributes


void * mAppState = NULL


SynchronizedTraitState * mSyncronizedTraitState = NULL

Public static functions


void DefaultEventHandler(
  void *aAppState,
  EventType aEvent,
  const InEventParam & aInParam,
  OutEventParam & aOutParam

Public functions


void Close(
  bool aAbortNow


  nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding,
  const EventCallback aEventCallback,
  void *const aAppState


WEAVE_ERROR SendCommand(
  nl::Weave::PacketBuffer *aPayload,
  nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding,
  ResourceIdentifier & aResourceId,
  uint32_t aProfileId,
  uint32_t aCommandType


WEAVE_ERROR SendCommand(
  nl::Weave::PacketBuffer *aPayload,
  nl::Weave::Binding *aBinding,
  SendParams & aSendParams


void SetSynchronizedTraitState(
  SynchronizedTraitState *aTraitState