Remote Passive Rendezvous

Remote Passive Rendezvous differs from Passive Rendezvous in that an assisting device acts as a relay for the provisionee, relaying messages between the provisionee and provisioner.


Perform Remote Passive Rendezvous with PASE authentication for rendezvoused device. DM will attempt to authenticate each rendezvoused, would-be joiner using the given PASE credentials. If a device fails to authenticate, the DM will close its tunneled connection to that device and reconnect to the assisting device, starting over the RPR process to listen for new connections on its unsecured Weave port. This cycle repeats until either the rendezvous timeout expires or a joiner successfully authenticates.

It is expected that this function will be used to perform RPR in the case of Thread-assisted pairing.

If the variant with the IPAddress is used, the rendezvousAddress is the PAN IPv6 link local address of the joiner. The address is formed by taking the Weave node id of the joiner, and appending it to the "FE80::" prefix. Note that for fully Thread compliant networks it is more appropriate to use the rendezvousAddress of "::", as the link local addresses in Thread are chosen based on a random ID.


remotePassiveRendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:IPAddress:rendezvousTimeout:inactivityTimeout:completion:failure:(NSString *pairingCode, NSString *IPAddress, uint16_t rendezvousTimeoutSec, uint16_t inactivityTimeoutSec, WDMCompletionBlock completionBlock, WDMFailureBlock failureBlock)
virtual void



virtual void remotePassiveRendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:IPAddress:rendezvousTimeout:inactivityTimeout:completion:failure:(
  NSString *pairingCode,
  NSString *IPAddress,
  uint16_t rendezvousTimeoutSec,
  uint16_t inactivityTimeoutSec,
  WDMCompletionBlock completionBlock,
  WDMFailureBlock failureBlock