


OptionArgumentType enum
Defines the argument requirements for a command line option.


NonOptionArgHandlerFunct)(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[]) typedef
A function that can be called to handle any remaining, non-option command line arguments.
OptionHandlerFunct)(const char *progName, OptionSet *optSet, int id, const char *name, const char *arg) typedef
A function that can be called to handle a set of command line options.


PrintArgError = DefaultPrintArgError)(const char *msg,...)
Pointer to function used to print errors that occur during argument parsing.
gActiveOptionSets = NULL
The list of OptionSets passed to the currently active ParseArgs() call.


CountAllOptions(OptionSet *optSets[])
CountAllOptions(OptionSet **optSets)
CountOptionSets(OptionSet *optSets[])
CountOptionSets(OptionSet **optSets)
DefaultPrintArgError(const char *msg, ...)
Print an error message associated with argument parsing.
FindOptionById(OptionSet **optSets, int optId, OptionSet *& optSet, OptionDef *& optDef)
FindOptionByIndex(OptionSet **optSets, int optIndex, OptionSet *& optSet, OptionDef *& optDef)
GetNextArg(char *& parsePoint)
IsShortOptionChar(int ch)
MakeLongOptions(OptionSet **optSets)
struct option *
MakeShortOptions(OptionSet **optSets)
char *
MakeUniqueHelpGroupNamesList(OptionSet *optSets[])
const char **
ParseArgs(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[], OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler, bool ignoreUnknown)
Parse a set of command line-style arguments, calling handling functions to process each option and non-option argument.
ParseArgs(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[], OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler)
ParseArgs(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[], OptionSet *optSets[])
ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char *progName, const char *varName, OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler, bool ignoreUnknown)
Parse a set of arguments from a named environment variable.
ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char *progName, const char *varName, OptionSet *optSets[])
ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char *progName, const char *varName, OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler)
ParseArgsFromString(const char *progName, const char *argStr, OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler, bool ignoreUnknown)
Parse a set of arguments from a given string.
ParseArgsFromString(const char *progName, const char *argStr, OptionSet *optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler)
ParseArgsFromString(const char *progName, const char *argStr, OptionSet *optSets[])
ParseBoolean(const char *str, bool & output)
Parse a string as a boolean value.
ParseFabricId(const char *str, uint64_t & fabricId, bool allowReserved)
Parse a Weave fabric id in text form.
ParseHexString(const char *hexStr, uint32_t strLen, uint8_t *outBuf, uint32_t outBufSize, uint32_t & outDataLen)
Parse a string of bytes given in hex form.
ParseIPAddress(const char *str, IPAddress & output)
Parse an IP address in text form.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint64_t & output, int base)
Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 64-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint32_t & output, int base)
Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 32-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, int32_t & output, int base)
Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 32-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint64_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 64-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint32_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 32-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, int32_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 32-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint16_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 16-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, int16_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 16-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseInt(const char *str, uint8_t & output)
Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 8-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.
ParseNodeId(const char *str, uint64_t & nodeId)
Parse a Weave node id in text form.
ParseSubnetId(const char *str, uint16_t & subnetId)
Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 16-bit unsigned subnet ID, interpretting the string as hexadecimal.
PrintOptionHelp(OptionSet *optSets[], FILE *s)
Print the help text for a specified list of options to a stream.
PutStringWithBlankLine(FILE *s, const char *str)
PutStringWithNewLine(FILE *s, const char *str)
SplitArgs(char *argStr, char **& argList, char *initialArg)



Common OptionSet for handling informational options (help, version).


An OptionSet where the handler is a virtual function.



Defines a command line option.


Defines a group of logically-related and reusable command line options.




Defines the argument requirements for a command line option.



bool(* NonOptionArgHandlerFunct)(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[])

A function that can be called to handle any remaining, non-option command line arguments.


bool(* OptionHandlerFunct)(const char *progName, OptionSet *optSet, int id, const char *name, const char *arg)

A function that can be called to handle a set of command line options.



void(* PrintArgError)(const char *msg,...) = DefaultPrintArgError

Pointer to function used to print errors that occur during argument parsing.

Applications should call PrintArgError() to report errors in their option and non-option argument handling functions, rather than printing directly to stdout/stderr.

Defaults to a pointer to the DefaultPrintArgError() function.


OptionSet ** gActiveOptionSets = NULL

The list of OptionSets passed to the currently active ParseArgs() call.

This value will be NULL when no call to ParseArgs() is in progress.



size_t CountAllOptions(
  OptionSet *optSets[]


size_t CountAllOptions(
  OptionSet **optSets


size_t CountOptionSets(
  OptionSet *optSets[]


size_t CountOptionSets(
  OptionSet **optSets


void DefaultPrintArgError(
  const char *msg,

Print an error message associated with argument parsing.

Default function used to print error messages that arise due to the parsing of arguments.

[in] msg
The message to be printed.

Applications should call through the PrintArgError function pointer, rather than calling this function directly.


void FindOptionById(
  OptionSet **optSets,
  int optId,
  OptionSet *& optSet,
  OptionDef *& optDef


void FindOptionByIndex(
  OptionSet **optSets,
  int optIndex,
  OptionSet *& optSet,
  OptionDef *& optDef


bool GetNextArg(
  char *& parsePoint


bool IsShortOptionChar(
  int ch


struct option * MakeLongOptions(
  OptionSet **optSets


char * MakeShortOptions(
  OptionSet **optSets


const char ** MakeUniqueHelpGroupNamesList(
  OptionSet *optSets[]


bool ParseArgs(
  const char *progName,
  int argc,
  char *argv[],
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler,
  bool ignoreUnknown

Parse a set of command line-style arguments, calling handling functions to process each option and non-option argument.

ParseArgs() takes a list of arguments (argv) and parses them according to a set of supplied option definitions. The function supports both long (opt) and short (-o) options and implements the same option syntax as the GNU getopt_long(3) function.

[in] progName
The name of the program or context in which the arguments are being parsed. This string will be used to prefix error messages and warnings.
[in] argc
The number of arguments to be parsed, plus 1.
[in] argv
An array of argument strings to be parsed. The array length must be 1 greater than the value specified for argc, and argv[argc] must be set to NULL. Argument parsing begins with the second array element (argv[1]); element 0 is ignored.
[in] optSets
A list of pointers to OptionSet structures that define the legal options. The supplied list must be terminated with a NULL.
[in] nonOptArgHandler
A pointer to a function that will be called once option parsing is complete with any remaining non-option arguments . The function is called regardless of whether any arguments remain. If a NULL is passed ParseArgs() will report an error if any non-option arguments are present.
[in] ignoreUnknown
If true, silently ignore any unrecognized options.
true if all options and non-option arguments were parsed successfully; false if an option was unrecognized or if one of the handler functions failed (i.e. returned false).

Option definitions are passed to ParseArgs() as an array of OptionSet structures (optSets). Each OptionSet contains an array of option definitions and a handler function. ParseArgs() processes option arguments in the given order, calling the respective handler function for each recognized option. Once all options have been parsed, a separate non-option handler function (nonOptArgHandler) is called once to process any remaining arguments.


An OptionSet contains a set of option definitions along with a pointer to a handler function that will be called when one of the associated options is encountered. Option sets also contain help text describing the syntax and purpose of each option (see OPTION HELP below). Option sets are designed to allow the creation of re-usable collections of related options. This simplifies the effort needed to maintain multiple applications that accept similar options (e.g. test applications).

There are two patterns for defining OptionSetsone can either initialize an instance of the OptionSet struct itself, e.g. as a static global, or subclass OptionSetBase and provide a constructor. The latter uses a pure virtual HandleOption() function to delegate option handling to the subclass.

Lists of OptionSets are passed to the ParseArgs() function as a NULL-terminated array of pointers. E.g.:

static OptionSet gToolOptions =
    HandleOption,        // handler function
    gToolOptionDefs,  // array of option definitions
    "GENERAL OPTIONS",   // help group
    gToolOptionHelp   // option help text

static OptionSet *gOptionSets[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (!ParseArgs("test-app", argc, argv, gOptionSets))


Options are defined using the OptionDef structure. Option definitions are organized as an array of OptionDef elements, where each element contains: the name of the option, a integer id that is used to identify the option, and whether the option expects/allows an argument. The end of the option array is signaled by a NULL Name field. E.g.:

    kOpt_Listen = 1000,

static OptionDef gToolOptionDefs[] =
    // ============================================================
    {  "listen",    kNoArgument,          kOpt_Listen     },
    {  "length",    kArgumentRequired,    kOpt_Length     },
    {  "count",     kArgumentRequired,    kOpt_Count      },
    {  "num",       kArgumentRequired,    kOpt_Count      }, // alias for --count
    {  "debug",     kArgumentOptional,    'd'             },
    {  "help",      kNoArgument,          'h'             },
    {  NULL }


Option ids identify options to the code that handles them (the OptionHandler function). Option ids are relative to the OptionSet in which they appear, and thus may be reused across different OptionSets (however see SHORT OPTIONS below). Common convention is to start numbering option ids at 1000, however any number > 128 can be used. Alias options can be created by using the same option id with different option names.


Unlike getopt_long(3), ParseArgs() does not take a separate string specifying the list of short option characters. Rather, any option whose id value falls in the range of graphical ASCII characters will allow that character to be used as a short option.

ParseArgs() requires that short option characters be unique across all OptionSets. Because of this, the use of short options is discouraged for any OptionSets that are shared across programs due to the significant chance for collisions. Short options characters may be reused within a single OptionSet to allow for the creation of alias long option names.


Each OptionSet contains an OptionHelp string that describes the purpose and syntax of the associated options. These strings are used by the PrintOptionHelp() function to generate option usage information.

By convention, option help strings consist of a syntax example following by a textual description of the option. If the option has a short version, or an alias name, it is given before primary long name. For consistency, syntax lines are indented with 2 spaces, while description lines are indented with 7 spaces. A single blank line follows each option description, including the last one.


static const char *const gToolOptionHelp =
    "  --listen\n"
    "       Listen and respond to requests sent from another node.\n"
    "  --length \n"
    "       Send requests with the specified number of bytes in the payload.\n"
    "  --num, --count \n"
    "       Send the specified number of requests and exit.\n"
    "  -d, --debug []\n"
    "       Set debug logging to the given level. (Default: 1)\n"
    "  -h, --help\n"
    "       Print help information.\n"


OptionSets contain a HelpGroupName string which is used to group options together in the help output. The PrintOptionHelp() function uses the HelpGroupName as a section title in the generated usage output. If multiple OptionSets have the same HelpGroupName, PrintOptionHelp() will print the option help for the different OptionSets together under a common section title.


bool ParseArgs(
  const char *progName,
  int argc,
  char *argv[],
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler


bool ParseArgs(
  const char *progName,
  int argc,
  char *argv[],
  OptionSet *optSets[]


bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(
  const char *progName,
  const char *varName,
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler,
  bool ignoreUnknown

Parse a set of arguments from a named environment variable.

ParseArgsFromEnvVar() reads a named environment variable and passes the value to ParseArgsFromString() for parsing. If the environment variable is not set, the function does nothing.

[in] progName
The name of the program or context in which the arguments are being parsed. This string will be used to prefix error messages and warnings.
[in] varName
The name of the environment variable.
[in] optSets
A list of pointers to OptionSet structures that define the legal options. The supplied list must be terminated with a NULL.
[in] nonOptArgHandler
A pointer to a function that will be called once option parsing is complete with any remaining non-option arguments . The function is called regardless of whether any arguments remain. If a NULL is passed ParseArgs() will report an error if any non-option arguments are present.
[in] ignoreUnknown
If true, silently ignore any unrecognized options.
true if all options and non-option arguments were parsed successfully, or if the specified environment variable is not set; false if an option was unrecognized, if one of the handler functions failed (i.e. returned false) or if an internal error occurred.


bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(
  const char *progName,
  const char *varName,
  OptionSet *optSets[]


bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(
  const char *progName,
  const char *varName,
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler


bool ParseArgsFromString(
  const char *progName,
  const char *argStr,
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler,
  bool ignoreUnknown

Parse a set of arguments from a given string.

ParseArgsFromString() splits a given string (argStr) into a set of arguments and parses the arguments using the ParseArgs() function.

[in] progName
The name of the program or context in which the arguments are being parsed. This string will be used to prefix error messages and warnings.
[in] argStr
A string containing options and arguments to be parsed.
[in] optSets
A list of pointers to OptionSet structures that define the legal options. The supplied list must be terminated with a NULL.
[in] nonOptArgHandler
A pointer to a function that will be called once option parsing is complete with any remaining non-option arguments . The function is called regardless of whether any arguments remain. If a NULL is passed ParseArgs() will report an error if any non-option arguments are present.
[in] ignoreUnknown
If true, silently ignore any unrecognized options.
true if all options and non-option arguments were parsed successfully; false if an option was unrecognized, if one of the handler functions failed (i.e. returned false) or if an internal error occurred.

The syntax of the input strings is similar to unix shell command syntax, but with a simplified quoting scheme. Specifically:

  • Arguments are delimited by whitespace, unless the whitespace is quoted or escaped.
  • A backslash escapes the following character, causing it to be treated as a normal character. The backslash itself is stripped.
  • Single or double quotes begin/end quoted substrings. Within a substring, the only special characters are backslash, which escapes the next character, and the corresponding end quote. The begin/end quote characters are stripped.


--listen --count 10 --sw-version '1.0 (DEVELOPMENT)' ""


bool ParseArgsFromString(
  const char *progName,
  const char *argStr,
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler


bool ParseArgsFromString(
  const char *progName,
  const char *argStr,
  OptionSet *optSets[]


bool ParseBoolean(
  const char *str,
  bool & output

Parse a string as a boolean value.

This function accepts the following input values (case-insensitive): "true", "yes", "t", "y", "1", "false", "no", "f", "n", "0".

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the value to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a bool to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseFabricId(
  const char *str,
  uint64_t & fabricId,
  bool allowReserved

Parse a Weave fabric id in text form.

The ParseFabricId() function accepts a 64-bit fabric id given in hex format, with or without a leading '0x'.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string containing the fabric id to parse.
[out] output
A reference to an uint64_t lvalue in which the parsed value will be stored on success.
[in] allowReserved
If true, allow the parsing of fabric ids in the reserved range.
true if the value was successfully parsed; false if not.


bool ParseHexString(
  const char *hexStr,
  uint32_t strLen,
  uint8_t *outBuf,
  uint32_t outBufSize,
  uint32_t & outDataLen

Parse a string of bytes given in hex form.

ParseHexString() expects the input to be in the form of pairs of hex digits (upper or lower case). Hex pairs can optionally be separated by any of the following characters: colon, semicolon, comma, period or dash. Additionally, whitespace characters anywhere in the input string are ignored.

[in] hexStr
A pointer to the string to parse.
[in] strLen
The number of characters in hexStr to parse.
[in] outBuf
A pointer to a buffer into which the parse bytes will be stored.
[in] outBufSize
The size of the buffer pointed at by outBuf.
[out] outDataLen
A reference to an integer that will receive the total number of bytes parsed. In the event outBuf is not big enough to hold the given number of bytes, outDataLen will be set to UINT32_MAX.
true if the value was successfully parsed; false if the input data is malformed, or if outBuf is too small.


bool ParseIPAddress(
  const char *str,
  IPAddress & output

Parse an IP address in text form.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string containing the address to parse.
[out] output
A reference to an IPAddress object in which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true if the value was successfully parsed; false if not.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint64_t & output,
  int base

Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 64-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 64-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
[in] base
The base according to which the string should be interpreted and parsed. If 0 or 16, the string may be hexadecimal and prefixed with "0x". Otherwise, a 0 is implied as 10 unless a leading 0 is encountered in which 8 is implied.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint32_t & output,
  int base

Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 32-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 32-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
[in] base
The base according to which the string should be interpreted and parsed. If 0 or 16, the string may be hexadecimal and prefixed with "0x". Otherwise, a 0 is implied as 10 unless a leading 0 is encountered in which 8 is implied.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  int32_t & output,
  int base

Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 32-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 32-bit signed integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
[in] base
The base according to which the string should be interpreted and parsed. If 0 or 16, the string may be hexadecimal and prefixed with "0x". Otherwise, a 0 is implied as 10 unless a leading 0 is encountered in which 8 is implied.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint64_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 64-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 64-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint32_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 32-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 32-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  int32_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 32-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 32-bit signed integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint16_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 16-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 16-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  int16_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 16-bit signed integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 16-bit signed integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseInt(
  const char *str,
  uint8_t & output

Parse and attempt to convert a string interpreted as a decimal value to a 8-bit unsigned integer, applying the appropriate interpretation based on the base parameter.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the integer to parse.
[out] output
A reference to storage for a 8-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


bool ParseNodeId(
  const char *str,
  uint64_t & nodeId

Parse a Weave node id in text form.

The ParseNodeId() function accepts either a 64-bit node id given in hex format (with or without a leading '0x'), or the words 'any' or 'all' which are interpreted as meaning the Any node id (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string containing the node id to parse.
[out] output
A reference to an uint64_t lvalue in which the parsed value will be stored on success.
true if the value was successfully parsed; false if not.


bool ParseSubnetId(
  const char *str,
  uint16_t & subnetId

Parse and attempt to convert a string to a 16-bit unsigned subnet ID, interpretting the string as hexadecimal.

[in] str
A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string representing the subnet ID, formatted as a hexadecimal, to parse.
[in,out] subnetId
A reference to storage for a 16-bit unsigned integer to which the parsed subnet ID value will be stored on success.
true on success; otherwise, false on failure.


void PrintOptionHelp(
  OptionSet *optSets[],
  FILE *s

Print the help text for a specified list of options to a stream.

[in] optSets
A list of pointers to OptionSet structures that contain the help text to print.
[in] s
The FILE stream to which the help text should be printed.


void PutStringWithBlankLine(
  FILE *s,
  const char *str


void PutStringWithNewLine(
  FILE *s,
  const char *str


int32_t SplitArgs(
  char *argStr,
  char **& argList,
  char *initialArg