This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Weave Security profile.
Enumerations |
enum X.509 Certificate Key Purpose Flags. |
enum X.509 Certificate Key Usage Flags. |
enum Weave Certificate Flags. |
enum Weave Certificate Decode Flags. |
enum Weave Certificate Validate Flags. |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
enum |
Typedefs |
GenerateECDSASignatureFunct)(const uint8_t *hash, uint8_t hashLen, EncodedECDSASignature &ecdsaSig)
typedef Generate an ECDSA signature using local Weave node's private key. |
Variables |
gProvisioningBundleKDFSalt = "Weave Provisioning Bundle v1"[]
const char
Functions |
CASECertInfoFromAccessToken(const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, uint8_t *certInfoBuf, uint16_t certInfoBufSize, uint16_t & certInfoLen)
CASECertInfoFromAccessToken(TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertCertificate(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertDistinguishedName(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag)
ConvertECDSASignature_DERToWeave(const uint8_t *sigBuf, uint8_t sigLen, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag)
ConvertExtension(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertExtensions(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertSubjectPublicKeyInfo(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertValidity(ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
ConvertWeaveCertToX509Cert(const uint8_t *weaveCert, uint32_t weaveCertLen, uint8_t *x509CertBuf, uint32_t x509CertBufSize, uint32_t & x509CertLen)
ConvertX509CertToWeaveCert(const uint8_t *x509Cert, uint32_t x509CertLen, uint8_t *weaveCertBuf, uint32_t weaveCertBufSize, uint32_t & weaveCertLen)
DecodeConvertAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertBasicConstraintsExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertCert(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertDN(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveDN & dn)
DecodeConvertECDSASignature(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertExtendedKeyUsageExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertExtensions(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertKeyUsageExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertRSASignature(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertSubjectKeyIdentifierExtension(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertSubjectPublicKeyInfo(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertTBSCert(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeConvertValidity(TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeCopyECDSASignature_DER(const uint8_t *sigBuf, uint8_t sigLen, EncodedECDSASignature & sig)
DecodeWeaveCert(const uint8_t *weaveCert, uint32_t weaveCertLen, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeWeaveCert(TLVReader & reader, WeaveCertificateData & certData)
DecodeWeaveDN(TLVReader & reader, WeaveDN & dn)
DecodeWeaveECDSASignature(TLVReader & reader, EncodedECDSASignature & sig)
DecodeWeaveECPrivateKey(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t & weaveCurveId, EncodedECPublicKey & pubKey, EncodedECPrivateKey & privKey)
DescribeWeaveCertId(OID attrOID, uint64_t weaveCertId)
const char *
DetermineCertType(WeaveCertificateData & cert)
Determine general type of a Weave certificate.
EncodeWeaveECDSASignature(TLVWriter & writer, EncodedECDSASignature & sig, uint64_t tag)
EncodeWeaveECPrivateKey(uint32_t weaveCurveId, const EncodedECPublicKey *pubKey, const EncodedECPrivateKey & privKey, uint8_t *outBuf, uint32_t outBufSize, uint32_t & outLen)
ExtractCertFromAccessToken(TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag)
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the Access Token Certificate.
ExtractPrivateKeyFromAccessToken(const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, uint8_t *privKeyBuf, uint16_t privKeyBufSize, uint16_t & privKeyLen)
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the private key.
ExtractPrivateKeyFromAccessToken(TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer)
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the private key.
GenerateAndEncodeWeaveECDSASignature(TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag, const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *signingKey, uint16_t signingKeyLen)
Generate and encode a Weave ECDSA signature.
GenerateOperationalDeviceCert(uint64_t deviceId, EncodedECPublicKey & devicePubKey, uint8_t *cert, uint16_t certBufSize, uint16_t & certLen, GenerateECDSASignatureFunct genCertSignature)
Generate Weave operational device certificate.
GetWeaveSignatureAlgo(const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, OID & sigAlgoOID)
Indent(FILE *out, uint16_t count)
InsertRelatedCertificatesIntoWeaveSignature(uint8_t *sigBuf, uint16_t sigLen, uint16_t sigBufLen, const uint8_t *relatedCerts, uint16_t relatedCertsLen, uint16_t & outSigLen)
IsCertificateExtensionTag(uint64_t tag)
IsCurveInSet(uint32_t curveId, uint8_t curveSet)
IsSupportedCurve(uint32_t curveId)
IsWeaveIdX509Attr(OID oid)
IsWeaveX509Attr(OID oid)
LoadAccessTokenCerts(const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, uint16_t decodeFlags, WeaveCertificateData *& accessTokenCert)
Load the certificates in an access token into a Weave certificate set.
LoadAccessTokenCerts(TLVReader & reader, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, uint16_t decodeFlags, WeaveCertificateData *& accessTokenCert)
Load the certificates in an access token into a Weave certificate set.
MakeDeviceCredentialHash(const char *serialNum, size_t serialNumLen, const char *deviceId, size_t deviceIdLen, const char *deviceSecret, size_t deviceSecretLen, char *hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize)
Generate a verification hash (in base-64 format) for a given set of Thermostat device credentials.
MakeWeaveProvisioningHash(uint64_t nodeId, const char *weaveCert, size_t weaveCertLen, const char *weavePrivKey, size_t weavePrivKeyLen, const char *pairingCode, size_t pairingCodeLen, char *hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize)
Generate a verification hash (in base-64 format) for a given set of Weave provisioning information.
OIDToWeaveCurveId(ASN1::OID curveOID)
PackCertTime(const ASN1UniversalTime & time, uint32_t & packedTime)
Convert a certificate date/time (in the form of an ASN.1 universal time structure) into a packed certificate date/time.
PackedCertDateToTime(uint16_t packedDate)
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint32_t
Convert a packed certificate date to a corresponding packed certificate date/time, where the time portion of the value is set to 00:00:00.
PackedCertTimeToDate(uint32_t packedTime)
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint16_t
Convert a packed certificate date/time to a packed certificate date.
ParseWeaveIdAttribute(ASN1Reader & reader, uint64_t & weaveIdOut)
PrintCert(FILE *out, const WeaveCertificateData & cert, const WeaveCertificateSet *certSet, uint16_t indent, bool verbose)
PrintCertArray(FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent)
PrintCertReference(FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent)
PrintCertType(FILE *out, uint8_t certType)
PrintCertValidationResults(FILE *out, const WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, const ValidationContext & validContext, uint16_t indent)
PrintECDSASignature(FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent)
PrintHexField(FILE *out, const char *name, uint16_t indent, uint16_t count, const uint8_t *data)
PrintPackedDate(FILE *out, uint16_t t)
PrintPackedTime(FILE *out, uint32_t t)
PrintWeaveDN(FILE *out, const WeaveDN & dn)
PrintWeaveDN(FILE *out, TLVReader & reader)
PrintWeaveSignature(FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent)
SecondsSinceEpochToPackedCertTime(uint32_t secondsSinceEpoch)
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint32_t
Convert the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a packed certificate date/time.
TranslateOpenSSLError(WEAVE_ERROR defaultErr)
UnpackCertTime(uint32_t packedTime, ASN1UniversalTime & time)
Unpack a packed certificate date/time into an ASN.1 universal time structure.
VerifyWeaveSignature(const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, ValidationContext & certValidContext)
VerifyWeaveSignature(const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, OID expectedSigAlgoOID, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, ValidationContext & certValidContext)
WeaveCurveIdToOID(uint32_t weaveCurveId)
Classes |
nl:: |
nl:: |
nl:: |
nl:: |
nl:: |
nl:: |
nl:: |
Generates a WeaveSignature using an in-memory private key. |
nl:: |
Provides generic functionality for generating WeaveSignatures. |
Namespaces |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Weave application keys library within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Certificate Authenticated Session Establishment (CASE) protocol within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Weave Certificate Provisioning protocol within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the key export protocol within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Password Authenticated Session Establishment (PASE) protocol within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Weave passcodes library within the Weave security profile. |
nl:: |
This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Token Authenticated Key Exchange (TAKE) protocol within the Weave Security profile. |
X.509 Certificate Key Purpose Flags.
X.509 Certificate Key Usage Flags.
Weave Certificate Flags.
Contains information about a certificate that has been loaded into a WeaveCertSet object.
Weave Certificate Decode Flags.
Contains information specifying how a certificate should be decoded.
Weave Certificate Validate Flags.
Contains information specifying how a certificate should be validated.
WEAVE_ERROR(* GenerateECDSASignatureFunct)(const uint8_t *hash, uint8_t hashLen, EncodedECDSASignature &ecdsaSig)
Generate an ECDSA signature using local Weave node's private key.
When invoked, implementations must compute a signature on the given hash value using the node's private key.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
const char gProvisioningBundleKDFSalt[] = "Weave Provisioning Bundle v1"
WEAVE_ERROR CASECertInfoFromAccessToken( const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, uint8_t *certInfoBuf, uint16_t certInfoBufSize, uint16_t & certInfoLen )
Reads a Weave Access Token and constructs a CASE Certificate Info TLV structure containing the certificates from the access token.
This function decodes a given Weave Access Token and encodes the TLV for a Weave CASE Certificate Info structure. The EntityCertificate field within the CertificateInfo structure is set to the access token certificate, and the RelatedCertificates field (if present) is set to the corresponding field within the access token.
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR CASECertInfoFromAccessToken( TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
Reads a Weave Access Token and writes a CASE Certificate Info TLV structure containing the certificates from the access token.
This function reads a Weave Access Token from a given TLVReader and writes the TLV for a Weave CASE Certificate Info structure to a TLVWriter. The EntityCertificate field within the CertificateInfo structure is set to the access token certificate, and the RelatedCertificates field (if present) is set to the corresponding field within the access token.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertCertificate( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertDistinguishedName( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertECDSASignature_DERToWeave( const uint8_t *sigBuf, uint8_t sigLen, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertExtension( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertExtensions( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertSubjectPublicKeyInfo( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertValidity( ASN1Reader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertWeaveCertToX509Cert( const uint8_t *weaveCert, uint32_t weaveCertLen, uint8_t *x509CertBuf, uint32_t x509CertBufSize, uint32_t & x509CertLen )
WEAVE_ERROR ConvertX509CertToWeaveCert( const uint8_t *x509Cert, uint32_t x509CertLen, uint8_t *weaveCertBuf, uint32_t weaveCertBufSize, uint32_t & weaveCertLen )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertBasicConstraintsExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertCert( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertDN( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveDN & dn )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertECDSASignature( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertExtendedKeyUsageExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertExtensions( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertKeyUsageExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertRSASignature( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertSubjectKeyIdentifierExtension( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertSubjectPublicKeyInfo( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertTBSCert( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeConvertValidity( TLVReader & reader, ASN1Writer & writer, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeCopyECDSASignature_DER( const uint8_t *sigBuf, uint8_t sigLen, EncodedECDSASignature & sig )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeWeaveCert( const uint8_t *weaveCert, uint32_t weaveCertLen, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeWeaveCert( TLVReader & reader, WeaveCertificateData & certData )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeWeaveDN( TLVReader & reader, WeaveDN & dn )
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeWeaveECDSASignature( TLVReader & reader, EncodedECDSASignature & sig )
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR DecodeWeaveECPrivateKey( const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t & weaveCurveId, EncodedECPublicKey & pubKey, EncodedECPrivateKey & privKey )
const char * DescribeWeaveCertId( OID attrOID, uint64_t weaveCertId )
WEAVE_ERROR DetermineCertType( WeaveCertificateData & cert )
Determine general type of a Weave certificate.
This function performs a general assessment of a certificate's type based on the structure of its subject DN and the extensions present. Applications are free to override this assessment by setting cert.CertType to another value, including an application-defined one.
In general, applications will only trust a peer's certificate if it chains to a trusted root certificate. However, the type assigned to a certificate can influence the nature of this trust, e.g. to allow or disallow access to certain features. Because of this, changes to this algorithm can have VERY SIGNIFICANT and POTENTIALLY CATASTROPHIC effects on overall system security, and should not be made without a thorough understanding of the implications.
NOTE: Access token certificates cannot be distinguished solely by their structure. Thus this function never sets cert.CertType = kCertType_AccessToken.
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeWeaveECDSASignature( TLVWriter & writer, EncodedECDSASignature & sig, uint64_t tag )
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR EncodeWeaveECPrivateKey( uint32_t weaveCurveId, const EncodedECPublicKey *pubKey, const EncodedECPrivateKey & privKey, uint8_t *outBuf, uint32_t outBufSize, uint32_t & outLen )
WEAVE_ERROR ExtractCertFromAccessToken( TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag )
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the Access Token Certificate.
This function reads a Weave Access Token from a TLVReader and writes the Access Token Certificate to a specified TLVWriter.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR ExtractPrivateKeyFromAccessToken( const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, uint8_t *privKeyBuf, uint16_t privKeyBufSize, uint16_t & privKeyLen )
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the private key.
This function decodes a given Weave Access Token and extracts the private key field from the token.
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR ExtractPrivateKeyFromAccessToken( TLVReader & reader, TLVWriter & writer )
Reads a Weave Access Token and extracts the private key.
This function decodes a given Weave Access Token and extracts the private key field from the token.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR GenerateAndEncodeWeaveECDSASignature( TLVWriter & writer, uint64_t tag, const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *signingKey, uint16_t signingKeyLen )
Generate and encode a Weave ECDSA signature.
Computes an ECDSA signature using a given private key and message hash and write the signature as a Weave ECDSASignature structure to the specified TLV writer with the given tag.
Details | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR GenerateOperationalDeviceCert( uint64_t deviceId, EncodedECPublicKey & devicePubKey, uint8_t *cert, uint16_t certBufSize, uint16_t & certLen, GenerateECDSASignatureFunct genCertSignature )
Generate Weave operational device certificate.
This function generates Weave self-signed operational certificate encoded in the Weave TLV format.
Details | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR GetWeaveSignatureAlgo( const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, OID & sigAlgoOID )
void Indent( FILE *out, uint16_t count )
WEAVE_ERROR InsertRelatedCertificatesIntoWeaveSignature( uint8_t *sigBuf, uint16_t sigLen, uint16_t sigBufLen, const uint8_t *relatedCerts, uint16_t relatedCertsLen, uint16_t & outSigLen )
bool IsCertificateExtensionTag( uint64_t tag )
bool IsCurveInSet( uint32_t curveId, uint8_t curveSet )
bool IsSupportedCurve( uint32_t curveId )
bool IsWeaveIdX509Attr( OID oid )
bool IsWeaveX509Attr( OID oid )
WEAVE_ERROR LoadAccessTokenCerts( const uint8_t *accessToken, uint32_t accessTokenLen, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, uint16_t decodeFlags, WeaveCertificateData *& accessTokenCert )
Load the certificates in an access token into a Weave certificate set.
This function decodes a given Weave access token and loads the access token certificates into the specified Weave certificate set object. If the access tokens contains one or more related certificate these are loaded into the certificate set as well.
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
WEAVE_ERROR LoadAccessTokenCerts( TLVReader & reader, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, uint16_t decodeFlags, WeaveCertificateData *& accessTokenCert )
Load the certificates in an access token into a Weave certificate set.
This function reads a Weave access token from a given TLVReader and loads the access token certificates into the specified Weave certificate set object. If the access tokens contains one or more related certificate these are loaded into the certificate set as well.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR MakeDeviceCredentialHash( const char *serialNum, size_t serialNumLen, const char *deviceId, size_t deviceIdLen, const char *deviceSecret, size_t deviceSecretLen, char *hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize )
Generate a verification hash (in base-64 format) for a given set of Thermostat device credentials.
Details | |||||||||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR MakeWeaveProvisioningHash( uint64_t nodeId, const char *weaveCert, size_t weaveCertLen, const char *weavePrivKey, size_t weavePrivKeyLen, const char *pairingCode, size_t pairingCodeLen, char *hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize )
Generate a verification hash (in base-64 format) for a given set of Weave provisioning information.
Details | |||||||||||||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
uint32_t OIDToWeaveCurveId( ASN1::OID curveOID )
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR PackCertTime( const ASN1UniversalTime & time, uint32_t & packedTime )
Convert a certificate date/time (in the form of an ASN.1 universal time structure) into a packed certificate date/time.
Packed certificate date/times provide a compact representation for the time values within a certificate (notBefore and notAfter) that does not require full calendar math to interpret.
A packed certificate date/time contains the fields of a calendar date/timei.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, secondpacked into an unsigned integer. The bit representation is organized such that ordinal comparisons of packed date/time values correspond to the natural ordering of the corresponding times. To reduce their size, packed certificate date/times are limited to representing times that are on or after 2000/01/01 00:00:00. When housed within a 32-bit unsigned integer, packed certificate date/times can represent times up to the year 2133.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint32_t PackedCertDateToTime( uint16_t packedDate )
Convert a packed certificate date to a corresponding packed certificate date/time, where the time portion of the value is set to 00:00:00.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A corresponding packet certificate date/time.
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint16_t PackedCertTimeToDate( uint32_t packedTime )
Convert a packed certificate date/time to a packed certificate date.
A packed certificate date contains the fields of a calendar dateyear, month, daypacked into an unsigned integer. The bits are organized such that ordinal comparisons of packed date values correspond to the natural ordering of the corresponding dates. To reduce their size, packed certificate dates are limited to representing dates on or after 2000/01/01. When housed within a 16-bit unsigned integer, packed certificate dates can represent dates up to the year 2176.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A corresponding packet certificate date.
WEAVE_ERROR ParseWeaveIdAttribute( ASN1Reader & reader, uint64_t & weaveIdOut )
NL_DLL_EXPORT void PrintCert( FILE *out, const WeaveCertificateData & cert, const WeaveCertificateSet *certSet, uint16_t indent, bool verbose )
WEAVE_ERROR PrintCertArray( FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent )
WEAVE_ERROR PrintCertReference( FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent )
void PrintCertType( FILE *out, uint8_t certType )
NL_DLL_EXPORT void PrintCertValidationResults( FILE *out, const WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, const ValidationContext & validContext, uint16_t indent )
WEAVE_ERROR PrintECDSASignature( FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent )
void PrintHexField( FILE *out, const char *name, uint16_t indent, uint16_t count, const uint8_t *data )
void PrintPackedDate( FILE *out, uint16_t t )
void PrintPackedTime( FILE *out, uint32_t t )
void PrintWeaveDN( FILE *out, const WeaveDN & dn )
WEAVE_ERROR PrintWeaveDN( FILE *out, TLVReader & reader )
WEAVE_ERROR PrintWeaveSignature( FILE *out, TLVReader & reader, uint16_t indent )
NL_DLL_EXPORT uint32_t SecondsSinceEpochToPackedCertTime( uint32_t secondsSinceEpoch )
Convert the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a packed certificate date/time.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A corresponding packet certificate date/time.
WEAVE_ERROR TranslateOpenSSLError( WEAVE_ERROR defaultErr )
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR UnpackCertTime( uint32_t packedTime, ASN1UniversalTime & time )
Unpack a packed certificate date/time into an ASN.1 universal time structure.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR VerifyWeaveSignature( const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, ValidationContext & certValidContext )
NL_DLL_EXPORT WEAVE_ERROR VerifyWeaveSignature( const uint8_t *msgHash, uint8_t msgHashLen, const uint8_t *sig, uint16_t sigLen, OID expectedSigAlgoOID, WeaveCertificateSet & certSet, ValidationContext & certValidContext )
NL_DLL_EXPORT OID WeaveCurveIdToOID( uint32_t weaveCurveId )